Annual General Meeting 2019

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Annual General Meeting 2019
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Annual General Meeting 2019

19 October 2019
Province [1] Time zone
British Columbia 12:00 PST
Alberta 13:00 MST
Saskatchewan 14:00 CST
Manitoba 14:00 CST
Ontario, Quebec 15:00 EST
New Brunswick, Nova Scotia,
Prince Edward Island
16:00 AST
Newfoundland and Labrador 16:30 NST
  • Date: 19 October 2019
  • Time: 15:00 EDT
  • Location:
In person: Gilles-Hocquart Building, 535 Viger Avenue East, Montréal (map), room 2.28
By Videoconference: Google Hangouts
By Telephone: +1 514-875-9985, ext 865 / (alternative [US] +1 515-428-6234, code 182 460 606#)


  1. Registrations and confirmation of voting rights
  2. Opening of the meeting
  3. Confirmation of quorum
  4. Motion to allow observers at the meeting pursuant to section 21 of the General Bylaws (if needed)
  5. Address from the President
  6. Motion to accept the agenda
  7. Reading and motion to accept the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting: 1
  8. Annual review of the activities of Wikimedia Canada in 2018
  9. Motion to accept the Annual Financial Report 2018: 2
  10. Motion to amend the General Bylaws to reduce the quorum for Member's meeting to 15%.
  11. Motion to fix the number of Board of Directors to 9.
  12. Motion to designate one seat of the Board of Directors as a seat nominated by the Board of Directors instead of being elected by the members.
  13. Election of new members of the board of directors (see below)
  14. Announcements
  15. Question period
  16. Adjournment of the meeting

Election of new board members



  1. Election of an "election president" by the members
  2. Opening of the election by the election president
  3. Presentation of each nominee by the election president
  4. Opening to nominations from the floor by the election president
  5. Motion to close the nominations proposed by the election president
  6. Presentation of the names of the scrutineers by the election president
  7. Voting
  8. Results announced by the election president
  9. Motion to destroy the ballots proposed by the election president
  10. Closing of the election by the election president



Add your name and motivation below if you want to be a candidate for the Board of Directors. As per our General Bylaws, to be valid, a candidate must have the signatures of at least three members.

Lëa-Kim Châteauneuf

  • Name/nom : Lëa-Kim Châteauneuf
  • Username/nom d'utilisateur(trice) : Lëa-Kim
  • Présentation brève et motivations :

Actively involved in Wikimedia Canada since the 2017 Wikimania, I’ve been trying since then to build bridges between the institutions and Wikimedia Canada. As an administrator of the chapter, I try to make it an active one that actively encourage projects and facilitates the use and appropriation of Wikimedia projects. Over the last two years, I have been very involved in the organisation of activities and training, but I want to continue to get involved in the administration of the chapter. The challenges are many in Canada and I intend to continue to facilitate the projects and the work of WMCA and the Foundation. That's why I want to renew my involvement on Wikimedia Canada's Board to bring values of diversity, inclusion and fairness. At the professional level, I am a librarian for the Montreal Libraries Direction. My work is a major asset in the administration of a board of directors and my professional involvement ensures that I am in contact with many actors of culture and information.

Supported by/Appuyé par :

  1. Chabadin (talk) 23:03, 16 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Benoit Rochon (talk) 14:17, 17 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Simon Villeneuve (talk) 13:04, 18 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  4. Ha-Loan Phan (talk) 17:10, 18 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  5. Seeris (talk) 15:38, 19 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  6. Cyali (talk) 19:03, 19 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Jean-Michel Lapointe

  • Name/nom : Jean-Michel Lapointe
  • Username/nom d'utilisateur(trice) : Benjamenta
  • Présentation brève et motivations :

FRANÇAIS / Wikipédiste depuis 2014, impliqué dans Wikimédia Canada depuis 2016, je cherche à favoriser la compréhension et l'utilisation des projets Wikimédia dans le milieu universitaire québécois. J'ai créé le projet pédagogique Wikipédia de l'UQAM, l'université où je suis bibliothécaire et doctorant en communication. Grâce à ce projet, plusieurs professeur.e.s et des centaines d'étudiant.e.s se sont familiarisés à l'édition dans l'encyclopédie collaborative, ce dont je suis très heureux. J'ai aussi organisé plusieurs journées contributives et activités de formation -- à Wikidata, Wikipédia et Commons -- à l'UQAM et ailleurs à Montréal et au Québec. J'ai à cœur Wikimédia Canada et souhaite contribuer à son développement au cours des prochaines années, notamment en poursuivant la pénétration des projets Wikimedia au sein du milieu postsecondaire dans l'ensemble du Canada. Je suis dynamique, efficace, je sais travailler en équipe et souhaite contribuer à la vision de notre organisation à la hauteur de mes moyens. J'oubliais : je suis membre du Comité des programmes de Wikimédia Canada depuis juillet 2018, et préside ce comité depuis avril 2019. Le meilleur est à venir.

ENGLISH / A Wikipedian since 2014, involved in Wikimedia Canada since 2016, I seek to promote the understanding and use of Wikimedia projects in the Québec university community. I created the Wikipedia educational project of UQAM, Canada's largest French-speaking academic institution where I am a librarian and doctoral student in communication studies. Thanks to this project, several professors and hundreds of students have become familiar with publishing in the collaborative encyclopedia, which I am very happy about. I have also organized several edit-a-thons and training activities -- focused on Wikidata, Wikipedia and Commons -- at UQAM and elsewhere in Montréal and Québec. I am committed to Wikimedia Canada and would like to contribute to its development in the coming years, particularly by pursuing the penetration of Wikimedia projects within the post-secondary community across Canada. I am dynamic, efficient, able to work in a collaborative setting and wish to contribute to the vision of our organization to the best of my ability. I forgot to mention that I have been a member of Wikimedia Canada's Program Committee since July 2018, and have chaired this committee since April 2019. The best is yet to come.

Supported by/Appuyé par :

  1. Benoit Rochon (talk) 23:19, 17 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Simon Villeneuve (talk) 13:04, 18 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Ha-Loan Phan (talk) 17:11, 18 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  4. Lea-Kim (talk) 03:05, 21 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  5. Seeris (talk) 15:38, 19 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  6. Cyali (talk) 19:03, 19 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Stacy Allison-Cassin

  • Name/nom : Stacy Allison-Cassin
  • Username/nom d'utilisateur(trice) : Smallison
  • Présentation brève et motivations :

I have been an active member of the Wikimedia community since 2015 and am engaged in numerous projects in Canada and internationally. I am a strong advocate for the integration of the Wikimedia platforms within the sector of higher education and in the cultural heritage/GLAM sector with a particular focus on issues related to diversity and inclusion. I have led numerous edit-a-thons, talks, and projects at my university, conferences, and the Toronto area. Most recently I led a Wikidata workshop and gave the Wikimedia Foundation update talk at the IFLA 2019 meeting in Athens, Greece. I led the “Music in Canada at 150” project. This grant-funded, collaborative project engaged librarians at universities across Canada in a year of learning about Wikimedia and culminated in a series of distributed edit-a-thons focused on Canadian music [CBC article]. We used the grant surplus to host a GLAMWiki Summit in Toronto in May 2019. This event was attended by more than 60 participants from GLAM institutions around southern Ontario. In 2017, I was invited to participate in a meeting between the Wikimedia Foundation and the Association of Research Libraries. I was then part of the group to author an influential whitepaper on the use of Wikidata in research libraries. I work hard to increase the use of Wikidata [Code4Lib article] and Wikibase [Wikibase tutorial] for the management of metadata in GLAM. I have given workshops and presentations on both and participated in the Wikibase Summit in New York in 2018 and will be attending the Wikidata conference in Berlin on Oct. 2019 where I will be presenting on Indigenous knowledges. I am a citizen of the Métis Nation of Ontario and work on initiatives related to Indigenous issues and marginalized peoples in my work as a librarian and as a Wikipedian. For example, I organized a panel on Indigenous issues and Wikimedia for the Creative Commons Summit in 2018, co-organized an event on decolonizing library description in 2018, and a workshop on Indigenous knowledges in 2019. I am a passionate advocate for Wikimedia projects, especially as it relates to knowledge equity, and would be delighted to bring this passion to the Wikimedia Canada Board. Nous avons utilisé le surplus de cette subvention pour organiser un sommet GLAMWiki à Toronto en mai 2019.

Supported by/Appuyé par :

  1. Benoit Rochon (talk) 16:57, 2 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Lea-Kim (talk) 17:35, 2 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  3. 13ab37 (talk) 19:47, 2 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  4. --Grovertrina (talk) 15:55, 11 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  5. freemoth --Freemoth (talk) 18:49, 16 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  6. Cyali (talk) 04:25, 19 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  7. Seeris (talk) 15:38, 19 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Amber Berson

  • Name/nom : Amber Berson
  • Username/nom d'utilisateur(trice) : 13ab37
  • Présentation brève et motivations :

EN I have been involved with Wikipedia and the larger Wiki community since 2014, when I organized the first Canadian Art+Feminism event in Montréal. Art+Feminism is a campaign improving coverage of cis and transgender women, non-binary folks, feminism and the arts on Wikipedia. From coffee shops and community centers to the largest museums and universities in the world, Art+Feminism is a do-it-yourself and do-it-with-others campaign teaching people of all gender identities and expressions to edit Wikipedia. Shortly thereafter I became a Regional Coordinator as part of the Art+Feminism team. I am also the 2019-2020 Wikipedian in residence at Concordia University Library. Through my work with Art+Feminism I have taught hundreds of new editors internationally how to be part of the Wikipedia community in English and in French, including at Wikimania 2017. I have also published on the subject, including a widely circulated bilingual how-to-be included guide, and through the Goethe Institute, in an article translated to German. I have been working directly with Wikimedia Canada for the past several years, and currently sit on the Programs committee. I am passionate about knowledge accessibility and about the issue of open-access. My teaching recognizes that note all students learn in the same way and it is important to meet folks where they are, to teach autonomy, collaboration and compassion. In my larger life I am an academic, curator, and PhD student working on issues around feminist utopias and feminist administration, centered on contemporary art, with a focus on Canadian history.

FR Je m'implique auprès de Wikipédia et de la communauté Wiki depuis 2014, année où j'ai organisé le premier événement Art+Feminism canadien à Montréal. Art+Feminism est une campagne qui améliore la couverture des femmes cis et transgenres, des personnes non binaires, du féminisme et des arts sur Wikipedia. Des cafés et centres communautaires aux plus grands musées et universités du monde, Art+Feminism est une campagne de bricolage et de bricolage qui enseigne aux gens de toutes identités et expressions sexuelles à éditer Wikipédia. Peu de temps après, je suis devenue coordonnatrice régionale Canadienne au sein de l'équipe Art+Féminisme. Je suis aussi la Wikipédienne en résidence à la Bibliothèque de l'Université Concordia pour l'année scolair 2019-2020. Grâce à mon travail avec Art+Feminism, j'ai enseigné à des centaines de nouveaux éditeurs internationaux comment faire partie de la communauté Wikipedia en anglais et en français, y compris à Wikimania 2017. J'ai également publié sur le sujet, y compris un guide bilingue largement diffusé sur la façon d'être inclus sur Wikipedia, et par l'intermédiaire du Goethe Institut, dans un article traduit en allemand. Je travaille directement avec Wikimedia Canada depuis plusieurs années et je siège actuellement au comité des programmes. Je suis passionnée par l'accessibilité au savoir et par la question du libre accès. Mon enseignement reconnaît que tous les élèves n'apprennent pas de la même façon et qu'il est important de rencontrer les gens là où ils sont, d'enseigner l'autonomie, la collaboration et la compassion. Dans ma vie plus vaste, je suis une universitaire, une conservatrice et une étudiante au doctorat qui travaille sur des questions liées aux utopies féministes et à l'administration féministe, centrées sur l'art contemporain, avec un accent sur l'histoire canadienne.

Supported by/Appuyé par :

  1. Benoit Rochon (talk) 21:03, 2 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Chabadin (talk) 16:52, 7 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Lea-Kim (talk) 23:05, 7 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  4. Viola-Ness (talk) 16:18, 17 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  5. Cyali (talk) 04:25, 19 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  6. Seeris (talk) 15:38, 19 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Jean-François Pilon

  • Name/nom : Jean-François Pilon
  • Username/nom d'utilisateur(trice) : Profversatile (WMCA)
  • Présentation brève et motivations :

EN I have been involved with Wikimedia Canada since june 2018 and have been recruited through Bénévoles d'affaires. My first mandate was to work with the members of the Board of Directors to solicit bids and provide professional advice for the acquisition of a subcontractor working for the organization. As a member of the Board of Directors since 2018, I am mainly involved in reporting, project management and human resources management of the organization. I believe I can provide a different voice focused on medium- and long-term organizational development and the professionalization of our activities. As I am not a Wikipedian at the grassroots level, I believe I have a vision that allows me to bring a complementary perspective to the Board of Directors. I am also involved in the weather observation project committee for Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), a major project led by Wikimedia Canada since September 2019. I was closely involved in the start of the project and am in charge of monitoring and making adjustments if necessary. I am running for re-election to the Board because I would like to help the organization achieve financial autonomy in the coming years. I believe that the potential of our organization is only just beginning to be realized and that several other major projects for the promotion of free knowledge are within our reach. I also believe that the role of the Board of Directors must evolve by focusing more on governance and the development of an executive that will be able to achieve our aspirations.

FR Je m'implique auprès de Wikimédia depuis juin 2018 et ais été recruté par le biais de Bénévoles d'affaires. Mon premier mandat a été de travailler avec les membres du conseil d'administration afin de procéder à un appel d'offre et offrir des conseils professionnels pour l'acquisition d'un sous-contractant travaillant pour l'organisation. Membre du conseil d'administration depuis 2018, je suis principalement impliqué dans la reddition de compte, la gestion des projets et des ressources humaines de l'organisation. Je crois apporter une voix différente axée sur le développement organisationnel à moyen et long terme ainsi que sur la professionnalisation de nos activités. N'étant pas Wikipédien à la base, je crois avoir une vision qui permet d'apporter un points de vue complémentaire au sein du conseil d'administration. Je suis aussi impliqué dans le comité du projet d'observations météorologiques réalisé pour Environnement et Changement Climatique Canada (ECCC), un projet d'envergure piloté par Wikimédia Canada depuis septembre 2019. J'ai été étroitement impliqué dans le démarrage du projet et suis en charge d'assurer le suivi et d'y apporter des ajustements si nécessaire. Je me représente au C.A parce que j'aimerais entre autre aider l'organisation à atteindre l'autonomie financière au courant des prochaines années. Je crois que le potentiel de notre organisation commence seulement à se manifester et que plusieurs autres projets d'envergure pour la promotion de la connaissance libre sont à notre portée. Je crois aussi que le rôle du conseil d'administration doit évoluer en se consacrant davantage à la gouvernance et à la mise en place d'un exécutif qui sera en mesure de réaliser nos aspirations.

Supported by/Appuyé par :

  1. Lea-Kim (talk) 21:47, 12 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Benoit Rochon (talk) 18:34, 15 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Chabadin (talk) 19:28, 19 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Sarah Severson

  • Name/nom : Sarah Severson
  • Username/nom d'utilisateur(trice) : Viola-Ness
  • Présentation brève et motivations :

I’m a digital project librarian at the University of Alberta Libraries actively working in the areas of open access publishing and digitization having recently relocated to Edmonton from Montreal. My interest in joining the Wikimedia Canada Board is to help promote and support greater Wikimedia activity in Western Canada. I’m especially interested in working to help community groups contribute to Wikipedia by connecting them to library resources and supporting more integration of Wikipedia into the classroom. My passion for years has been advocating for open access to scholarship and facilitating the creation of open content.

My background with Wikipedia started in 2014 as Viola-Ness and over the years I’ve been involved in various campaigns, including Art + Feminism, 1Lib1Ref and other McGill Library Wikipedia edit-a-thons. Some of my more recent involvement has included, hosting a workshop on citations for a University of Alberta History of Feminist Thought class that is doing a WikiEdu assignment and submitted a proposal for a Wikipedian-in-Residence to the Library for funding. I contribute in English but je suis assez bilingue dans le travail collaborative.

Supported by/Appuyé par :

  1. 13ab37 (talk) 16:07, 17 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Benoit Rochon (talk) 16:23, 17 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Lea-Kim (talk) 04:19, 19 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  4. Cyali (talk) 04:23, 19 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  5. Seeris (talk) 15:38, 19 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]


  1. Please note that the provinces in this table are for guidance only, since some have two time zones (e.g., The Magdalen Islands and the south-eastern part of British Columbia are not in the same time zone as their provinces). Please refer to your time zone instead of your province.