1Bib1Ref Canada 1Lib1Ref
#1Lib1Ref Canada #1Bib1Ref
A campaign to add references to Wikipedia.
Imagine a world where every librarian added one more reference to Wikipedia.
#1Lib1Ref (abbreviation for one librarian, one reference) is an international campaign running twice per year from January 15th to February 5th and May 15th to June 5th with the aim of adding references to Wikipedia. It calls on librarians around the world, as well as anyone who has a passion for free knowledge, to add missing references to articles on Wikipedia. In Canada, every year, from January 15th to February 5th, we organize a friendly competition between Canadian institutions, such as libraries, archives, galleries, museums and universities, as part of the #1Lib1Ref campaign. How to participate in four basic steps[edit]
Why #1Lib1Ref?[edit]Wikipedia is one of the first stops for the people searching for information. It is an invaluable part of every researcher's process. As such, more references make Wikipedia a better tool for all. Wikipedia articles operate on an assumption of "verifiability". As such, every statement in a Wikipedia article should be "verifiable" in a footnoted source. By adding a footnote to a reliable source in any Wikipedia article, you help Wikipedia readers worldwide. What is a good source for Wikipedia?[edit]A few things make references good for Wikipedia:
Annual Wikimedia Canada #1Lib1Red campaigns[edit]Current #1Lib1Ref Year Past #1Lib1Ref Years
Futur #1Lib1Ref Years Useful resources[edit]
Useful links[edit] |