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General meetings | 2019 AGM |
Board meetings | February 1 • February 12 • May 3 |
Committee meetings | |
← full list of meetings |
Meeting Information
[edit]- Location: Grande Bibliothèque, Montréal QC
- Date: 19 February 2017
- Time: 15:00 (EST)
[edit]- Benoit Rochon (President)
- Jeffery Nichols (Secretary)
- Jean-Philippe Béland (Vice President)
- David Fourney (Treasurer)
- Patrick Paul
- Ha-Loan Phan
- Absent
- James Heilman
- Philippe-Olivier Daniel
- Guest
- Antoine Beaubien
[edit]- Meeting opened at: 15:10
- Meeting chaired by: JP Béland
- Presence of guest: JP moves to allow Antoine Beaubien to be a guest of the meeting. Benoit second. Motion accepted.
- Minutes: JP motions to accept the minutes of the previous Board Meeting as written. Jeff seconds. Nothing to blackout. No opposition, motion accepted.
- Agenda: NIL (follow minutes).
Standing items
[edit]Membership Update
[edit]- Secretary
33 members. A couple expired in February and did not reply to reminder (still in grace period). 2 new members.
Budget update
[edit]- Treasurer
Currently we have a healthy bank account balance. CAD $1,972 in the PayPal account. We now have a business debit card activated.
Old business
[edit]Strategic Plan
[edit]- Benoit Rochon
We received a draft strategic plan from WMFR (France Strategic Plan 2014 - 2017). The Board will review and add to it before the next Board meeting. This will be discussed at the next Board meeting.
WMCA soliciting incorporation
[edit]- Treasurer
Waiting follow-up from Guillaume Lafrance. Secretary will file as a non soliciting corporation for this year and will re-file if needed. Treasurer will report back at next meeting about this issue.
Committees Policy
[edit]- JP Béland
JP moves that we accept the Committee's Policy. Ha-Loan seconds. No opposition. Motion accepted. The Board identified 6 standing committees to be created. Specific definitions and mandates will be decided at the next Board meeting. A document on Standing Committees including the list and mandates of all standing committees of WMCA will be finalized and voted on at the next Board meeting. Everybody in charge of a committee will define it and fill that document.
Membership Policy
[edit]- Jeffery Nichols
Following a brainstorming session the board came to a consensus regarding our future membership policy. The intent is to have a fixed date for membership expiry and renewal: 1 January each year. There will be a grace period until January 31 to renew each year. It will only be possible to buy a membership for one year but auto-renewal will be activated and offered as an option through PayPal. Membership fee is kept at $10 per year. This is will be effective on March 31. When existing memberships expire, members will have to buy a new membership for that year.
David motions to accept the new membership policy as written above. Jeff seconds. No opposition. Motion accepted.
[edit]- Antoine Beaubien
A WMCA Local Wikimania Committee is created. Antoine Beaubien is appointed as the chair of this committee and as the liaison of WMCA with the WMF with regards to Wikimania 2017 in Montreal. He will report to the WMCA Board regularly on any developments. The Board will discuss Wikimania 2017 at every Board meeting and continue to meet at least every three weeks from now until Wikimania 2017 in August.
JP moves to create a WMCA Local Wikimania Committee with Antoine Beaubien appointed as Chair. Benoit seconds. No opposition. Motion accepted.
New business
[edit]Election of a new director
[edit]- Chair
Benoit moves to elect Antoine Beaubien as a member of the Board of Directors of WMCA until the next AGM. Ha-Loan seconds. No opposition. Motion accepted.
Bylaws review
[edit]- POD
The Board identified that the By-Laws need to be reviewed on at least two points, regarding the quorum at the meetings of the members and the quorum at the meetings of the directors. POD is leading this review and will advise the Board at the next meeting.
[edit]- Treasurer
The Board will direct the Grants Committee (to be created) to apply for grants to the WMF for: WMCA’s Wikimania activities and WMCA’s operations. The Grants Committee will be tasked at budgeting those.
Business cards
[edit]- Antoine Beaubien
Board members should have business cards to distribute at Wikimania. Also WMCA postcards to be put in attendants’ swag bags. WMCA Local Wikimania Committee will take care of that.
[edit]- Benoit Rochon
Benoit Rochon bought a one-year licence to Hootsuite to manage social medias for WMCA. This will be managed by the Communications Committee (to be created). A LinkedIn account for WMCA will also be created.
Discussion points and announcements
[edit]Benoit motions to close the meeting. JP seconds. Meeting closed at 16:10.
Benoit will send Doodle to schedule the two next meetings.
New Action Items / Deliverables
[edit]Action | Who | Due |
Review the draft Strategic Plan. | All | 8 Mar 17 |
Report back on Soliciting Corporation status. | Treasurer | 8 Mar 17 |
Complete Standing Committees document with definition of the committee(s) you are in charge of. | All | 8 Mar 17 |
Report back to the Board on revision of General By-Laws. | General Counsel | 8 Mar 17 |