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Annual General Meeting 2022/Minutes

From Wikimedia Canada

Meeting information

  • Date: 28 May 2022
  • Location: Online.


  1. The meeting is opened at 2pm by the Acting President, Michael David Miller.
  2. With 12 members present, the quorum is met.
  3. The Acting President addresses the members in English, translated in French by Ha-Loan Phan, director.
  4. The members of Wikimedia Canada move to accept the agenda.
    • Motion adopted.
  5. The members of Wikimedia Canada move to accept the minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2021.
    • Motion adopted.
  6. Overview of the activities of the previous year:
    • Introduction of the Annual Report 2021 using the new brand image of WMCA
    • Increase of donations since the charity status in 2019
    • The work continues for the Weather Project with the World Meteorological Organization
    • Introduction of the draft of the Transformation Plan
    • The services of the consultant Jean-Philippe Béland continued. The Board explained his work which is mainly administrative and serves as the first point of contact for WMCA. The Board thanks Jean-Philippe.
    • The Board thanks:
      • Benoit Rochon for the website and the finances
      • Jean-Michel Lapointe for the book project
      • Ha-Loan Phan for her leadership in the strategic transformation and the structuring of WMCA
      • Guillaume Lafrance for the financial statements, the accounting and the advice to the Board about accounting
      • All Board members for their contributions
      • Michael David Miller for the translation and being Acting President
  7. The Treasurer presented the Financial Statements 2021
    • There was a question by a member about PayPal and donations which was answered by the consultant and the Acting President
  8. The members of Wikimedia Canada move to elect by acclamation the following five people as directors of Wikimedia Canada for 2-year terms:
    1. Benoit Rochon
    2. Michael David Miller
    3. Thérèse Ottawa
    4. Catherine Bernier
    5. Hélène Ouellet
    • Motion adopted.

Announcements and questions

  • A member mentioned that she asked how the new Wikimedia Foundation's strategy will influence the new strategy of Wikimedia Canada at the last Annual General Meeting, and the she sees that it is taken into consideration in the Strategic Transformation Plan, but she is asking what is the impact of the global strategy of the Wikimedia Foundation on what Wikimedia Canada will do.
    • A Board member mentioned the regional hubs. Another Board members mentioned that it will be more clear after the next Wikimedia Summit in September. He also mentioned WikiFranca. The consultant mentioned the multiyear grants. A Board member mentioned that the topics of equity, diversity and inclusion are very important, but Wikimedia Canada was already doing it and will continue to do so.
  • A member asked how the priority topics will be chosen in the Transformation Plan.
    • It was mentioned that health sciences were used as an example because we already had projects in the past, mais it doesn't mean that we will be limited to those in the future.
    • The Acting President is inviting the members to not hesitate to send their questions and suggestions about the Strategic Plan or the financial statements, or any general questions.