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Meeting information[edit]

Date and location[edit]

  • Date: 8 September 2018
  • Location: Online


  • Lëa-Kim Chateauneuf
  • Michael David Miller
  • Amber Berson
  • Jean-Michel Lapointe
  • Benoit Rochon
  • Marie D. Martel
  • Ha-Loan Phan
  • Jean-Philippe Béland (contractor)




Recent activities[edit]

Pride Montreal[edit]

A contribution activity has been hosted at the Montreal Grande Bibliothèque around the LGBT topic on 11 August 2018.

Upcoming activities[edit]

Canadian Contribution Month[edit]

The pages are updated on Wikipedia. A few activities need to be added by Michael David Miller and Marie D. Martel.

Exposition project at the Université de Montréal on the Conrad Poirier porject[edit]

Planned for January 2019 by Marie D. Martel and Lëa-Kim Chateauneuf. They explore the idea to have related mediation activities, panel to discuss the public domain and free licences, conference on Conrad Poirier given by the archivist of BAnQ (Florian), activity on the works that fall in the public domain in 2019.

Workshop in Trois-Rivières[edit]

Workshop-conference for the staff and the public at the library of Trois-Rivières planned on 17 September 2018 by Lëa-Kim Chateauneuf and Marie D. Martel.

Workshop in Laval[edit]

Planned in October by Marie D. Martel.

Polytechnique (volunteer researched)[edit]

The Polytechnique is planning an activity on 2 November 2018. They are looking for a volunteer Wikimedian to give the workshop.


Amber Berson gave an update about the last Art+Feminism campaign in Canada. She mentioned that training sessions are planned in Saskatchewan and in Ontario. There will be outreach to GLAM and less known institutions across the country. There will a grant request to the Digital Fund of the Canada Council for Arts.

Open Access Week[edit]

Jean-Michel Lapointe will give a training session about Wikidata at the UQAM.

UQAM Pedagogic Centre[edit]

Jean-Michel Lapointe is planning an activity on how to integrate Wikipedia in the classes for the teachers in mid-November. He will write a blog post about this activity.

Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire (BCI)[edit]

Jean-Michel Lapointe and Michael David Miller are planning an activity to explain Wikipedia in the university environment.

Red Carpets[edit]

Lëa-Kim Chateauneuf will conduct punctual activities as part of the Red Carpets Project, but nothing planned yet.

Mardi c'est Wiki ![edit]

Marie D. Martel is planning to use the Mardi c'est Wiki ! event that is following the 23 November (in December) since it follows the seminar on the history of women in Quebec as an activity focused on what what discussed during the seminar because the seminar is too busy to organize a contribution workshop.


Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ)[edit]

Benoit Rochon is in charge of this partnership. See the activities above.

Benoit Rochon mentioned the Jeudi c'est Wiki à Québec ! are starting. He is proposing to invite Béatrice Bellibaste to be part of the Programs Committee.

Library and Archives Canada (LAC)[edit]

Jean-Philippe Béland is in charge of this partnership. He received a draft memorandum of understanding (MOU) from LAC for a general partnership. This MOU will be discussed at the next board meeting.

Observatoire sur l'intelligence artifielle[edit]

The Observatoire sur l'intelligence artificielle is being created by the UQAM and the INRS. The Programs Committee approved that Wikimedia Canada supports this project.

Indigenous projects[edit]

Multimedia equipment grant for Manawan[edit]

There are still funds to finance travel to the territory.

Other projects[edit]

Meteorological Project[edit]

There are discussion to set up a project to put meteorological data from Environment Canada on Wikidata.


Grant for multimedia equipment for Ottawa-Gatineau[edit]

We are still waiting for somebody to purchase the equipment.

2019 planning[edit]

The Programs Committee will review the following documents for 2019 planning:

Varia and discussions[edit]

The Programs Committee agreed that the minutes of its meetings shall be put online.

Michael David Miller, Benoit Rochon and Ahmed Houamel will participate in the next WikiConvention.