Grants/Requests/2019/Indigenous New Media Artists Wikipedia-Edit-A-Thon

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The Initiative for Indigenous Futures (IIF) is organizing a Wikipedia edit-a-thon in association with Art + Feminism on the theme of Indigenous media artists in North America and the Pacific to create and improve the coverage of Indigenous arts Wikipedia.

IIF is a partnership of universities and community organizations dedicated to developing multiple visions of Indigenous peoples tomorrow in order to better understand where we need to go today. Through its four main components –workshops, residencies, symposia, and archive– IIF will encourage and enable artists, academics, youth and elders to imagine how we and our communities will look in the future. IIF is conducted by Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace (AbTeC), a research network based at Concordia University. The Wikipedia edit-a-thon is a continuation of IIF and AbTeC's activities to ensure Indigenous presence in online spaces and support Indigenous peoples using technologies in ways that complement and strengthen our cultures and communities.

The edit-a-thon will help to fill gaps in Wikipedia’s coverage of knowledge about Indigenous artists, including cis and transgender women and men, and queer, non-binary, and Two-Spirited people. The event will provide participants with training, support and research materials for editing Wikipedia articles and, in particular, build capacity for Indigenous participants to manage and determine how our cultures and communities are represented. The edit-a-thon will also engage with systemic bias online and introduce culturally appropriate ways to write and edit Indigenous content.

Amber Berson, Wikipedian and Canadian ambassador for the Art + Feminism Wikipedia project, will deliver a tutorial on Wikipedia editing at the event. As an expert in Wikipedia editing, Berson will provide significant support for new editors.

Dr Greg Younging will deliver a presentation on editing and writing about Indigenous topics and persons at the edit-a-thon. Dr Younging is a Member of Opsakwayak Cree Nation in Northern Manitoba and a professor, editor and publisher. His book Elements of Indigenous Style (2018) addresses questions of style and process related to Indigenous content. Dr Younging's contribution to this Wikipedia edit-a-thon is to engage with Wikipedia editors on the ethics of writing about Indigenous topics and address common mistakes and biased language to help improve the quality of Indigenous content on Wikipedia.

Funding Request


We are seeking funding from Wikimedia Canada to cover the catering costs for our event.

Event Info


- Date: 14 March 2019

- Time: 9:30-5:00 EST

- Host / Location: Milieux Institute, Resource Room, EV-11.705, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve O., Montreal, QC, H3G 1M8.

Milieux Institute is located in downtown Montreal at Concordia University, conveniently located on the metro line. Milieux provides technical support and equipment (projector, computer station, tables and chairs), access to their kitchen and wireless network. This space is wheelchair accessible. Gender neutral washrooms are available.

Event Schedule


9:30-10:00 - Arrival and settling in (coffee, tea and snacks provided)

10:00 - Introductions and Wikipedia training

11:00 - Presentation from Dr Greg Younging

11:45 - Wikipedia training continued

12:00 - 1:00 - Lunch break

1:00 - 5:00 Communal editing; Drop-ins welcome! (coffee, tea and snacks provided)

List of participants


Indicate here the list of participants that will incur expenses for this activity; you do not need to list all participants that will take part in the activity. Make sure to indicate who is in charge of the activity

  • Sara England, Research Coordinator, Initiative for Indigenous Futures (event organizer)
  • Initiative for Indigenous Futures (organization that will incur expenses for this activity)

Pre-Approval (before expenses)


Planned Budget


Indicate here your detailed planned budget.

Item Amount Name of the participant that will incur this expense Contributor
Speaker Fees
honorarium - Dr Greg Younging $500 IIF
honorarium - Amber Berson, Wikipedian, Wikipedia Tutorial Instructor $150 IIF
Catering Costs
lunch, coffee, tea, and snacks $200 Wikimedia requested
Childcare Costs
caretaker fees $180 Art + Feminism
Production Expenses
graphic design - undergraduate student rate (15.18/hr*5hrs) $75.90 IIF
documentation of event - undergraduate student rate (15.18/hr*3hrs) $45.54 IIF
computer rentals - 3 iMac Pros $675 in-kind estimated value

Indigenous Art Research Group

Concordia University

event space (Milieux Institute - 16 710 square feet) $1000 in-kind estimated value

Milieux Institute

Production Staff Costs
research assistant organizer - PhD student rate ($26.22/hr*40hrs) $1048.80 IIF
research assistant organizer - MA student rate ($19.46/hr*40hrs) $778.40 IIF
research assistant organizer - undergraduate student rate ($15.18/hr*20hrs) $303.60 IIF
social media coordinator - undergraduate student rate ($15.18/hr*3hrs) $30.36 IIF
Total $4987.60
Organization's Requested and Confirmed Contributions Amount $ In-Kind Contributions
Initiative for Indigenous Futures 2282.60
Wikimedia Canada 200
Art + Feminism 180
Indigenous Art Research Group 675
Milieux Institute for Arts, Culture and Technology 1000

Decision of the Programs Committee


This section will be filled by the Programs Committee.

This grant request is pre-approved for a total of 200.00 CAD (including taxes and other fees) by two Board members:

  1. --BiblioQC (talk) 15:19, 4 March 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Benoit Rochon (talk) 18:35, 4 March 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Approval (after expenses)


Activity Report


Describe here the results of the activity.

Indigenous Futures Cluster Wikipedia Edit-a-thon

The Indigenous Futures Cluster Wikipedia Edit-a-thon was held on March 14 at Milieux Institute in Montreal, QC. We had 13 participants join us, with a total of 12 new editors. The majority of our attendance was Indigenous. Art + Feminism ambassador Amber Berson's tutorial was followed by a Skype presentation by Dr Greg Younging on principles for writing about Indigenous people respectfully and appropriately. We put these principles in practice in the afternoon, after a catered lunch, during our communal editing session.

Participants participated in determining and managing how their cultures and communities were represented in online spaces. Non-Indigenous participants supported Indigenous cultures by contributing to the visibility and documentation of Indigenous media arts on Wikipedia. In doing so, we helped document a long and rich history of Indigenous new media production that has not been well documented and largely ignored in dominant art historical narratives.

We tracked our event's contributions using the Outreach Dashboard by Wiki Education. As of March 18, our edit-a-thon contributed the following:

  • 1 article created
  • 19 articles edited
  • 90 edits in total
  • 12 editors
  • 7 770 words added
  • 307 article views

The project will remain open for editors to continue editing assigned articles and contributing to the project. In addition to the event, we participated in an interview about the event with the Kahnawake Radio Station, the local station for the First Nations reserve of the Mohawks of Kahnawá:ke on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River.

We are very pleased with the results of the edit-a-thon and thank Wikimedia for the support.

Final Budget


Indicate here your detailed final budget.

Item Amount Name of the participant that will incur this expense Contributor
Speaker Fees
honorarium - Dr Greg Younging $500 IIF IIF
honorarium - Amber Berson, Wikipedian, Wikipedia Tutorial Instructor $150 IIF IIF
Catering Costs
Coffee/tea 54.02 Sara England
Snacks 67.41 Sara England
Lunch 132.74 Sara England
Sub-Total for Catering 254.17 Wikimedia Canada
Childcare Costs
caretaker fees 0 Art + Feminism
Production Expenses
graphic design - undergraduate student rate (15.18/hr*5hrs) $75.90 IIF
computer rentals - 3 iMac Pros $675 in-kind estimated value

Indigenous Art Research Group

Concordia University

event space (Milieux Institute - 16 710 square feet) $1000 in-kind estimated value

Milieux Institute

Production Staff Costs
research assistant organizer - PhD student rate ($26.22/hr*40hrs) $1048.80 IIF
research assistant organizer - MA student rate ($19.46/hr*40hrs) $778.40 IIF
research assistant organizer - undergraduate student rate ($15.18/hr*20hrs) $303.60 IIF
social media coordinator - undergraduate student rate ($15.18/hr*3hrs) $30.36 IIF
Total $4987.60

Wikimedia Funding Detailed Budget

  • Please note that additional expenses beyond the approved $200 from Wikimedia Canada can be reimbursed by Art + Feminism.
Item Amount Name of the participant that made this expense
Coffee/tea 54.02 Sara England
Snacks 67.41 Sara England
Lunch 132.74 Sara England
Total 254.17

Decision of the Programs Committee


This section will be filled by the Programs Committee.

This grant request is approved for a total of $254.17 by two members of the Board :

  1. Benoit Rochon (talk) 16:57, 18 March 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Chabadin (talk) 17:48, 18 March 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Technical Information


This section will be filled by the Programs Committee.

  • Request Number : 2019-007
  • Type of activity in the Annual Budget : Workshops with indigenous communities
  • Total Approved Amount :