Executive Committee/Meetings/2019-07-08

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Meeting information[edit]

Date and location[edit]

  • Date: 8 July 2019
  • Location: Online


  • Benoit Rochon (President)
  • Lëa-Kim Chateauneuf (Vice President)
  • Charlotte Badin (Secretary)
  • Guillaume Lafrance (Treasurer)
  • Ha-Loan Phan (Board Member)
  • Jean-François Pilon (Board Member)
  • Jean-Philippe Béland (consultant)


Expense approvals[edit]

  • The Executive Committee unanimously moved to approve and pay the bill for June from Jean-Philippe Béland for a total of $2,437.47.

Old Business[edit]

  • Charity status. The recommendations from the lawyer and the Treasurer were received by Jean-Philippe Béland and applied to the forms. Only minor work is left to be done on the files and the file will be ready to be submitted.
  • Annual General Meeting. The Executive Committee discussed about proposing to the members to create a class of honourary members for the members of the committees who would be members of Wikimedia Canada without paying the membership fees. This will be discussed at the next Board meeting and would need to be approved by the members. The Executive Committee also discussed about sending reminders to the members one month, one week and the day prior of the Annual General Meeting, and not only the official invitation. The Executive Committee also discussed the idea to send the invitation on different communication channels such as Facebook and the mailing list.
  • Accountability of the contractuals. Nothing to report.

New Business[edit]

  • ECCC Project. Wikimedia Canada received a proposed agreement from ECCC for a project. This is a substantial grant. Jean-François Pilon proposed to create a committee in charge of supervising the project. The project will be executed by a consultant, but we need volunteers for the supervision. The Executive Committee discussed about the best way to find the contractual for this project.
