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2018 Grant requests
Title Status Requested by Followed by Initial amount requested Pre-Approved Amount Approved/Reimbursed Amount Request Number Activity Type Remarks
Matériel photo pour le WikiClub Montréal Completed Lea-Kim Benoit Rochon 220.00 220.00 221.87 2018-045 Photographic content
Nanto masinatcikan 2018-2019 Completed Benoit Rochon et Missatikamekw 1500.00 1500.00 1539.35 2018-044 Host outreach events, training sessions and contribution workshops with indigenous communities
Frais de transport - Jeudi, c'est Wiki Completed BeatrixBelibaste Benoit Rochon 24.40 NIL 24.40 2018-043 Content, outreach, education and communities
Ordinateur portable pour le Wikiclub de Québec Completed BeatrixBelibaste Benoit Rochon 512.87 NIL 512.87 2018-042 Content, outreach, education and communities
T-Shirts de Wikimédia Canada Completed Benoit Rochon 689.85 NIL 689.85 2018-041 Content, outreach, education and communities
Bilan de fin d'année pour les contributeurs et partenaires Completed Benoit Rochon Ha-Loan Phan 400.00 NIL 479.58 2018-040 Host local and thematic photographic activities
Acquisition roll-up pour visibilité lors de présentations extérieures Completed Bilbo40 307.00 307.00 306.06 2018-039 Host outreach events, training sessions and contribution workshops with indigenous communities
Wiki à l'UQAR, novembre 2018 Completed Gene.arboit Benoit Rochon 50.00 50.00 40.00 2018-038 Host contribution workshops, education programs, outreach events and local activities
Ada Lovelace Day Wikithon Completed Mindelan89 Benoit Rochon 211.00 NIL 211.00 2018-037 Host contribution workshops, education programs, outreach events and local activities
Various expenses 2018-H2 Completed Benoit Rochon 1,722.15 NIL 1,722.15 2018-036

École d'été du numérique en Haïti Completed Marie D. Martel, Lëa-Kim Châteauneuf, Simon Villeneuve, Pierre Choffet Benoit Rochon 2,940 NIL 2,940.00 2018-035 N/A This claim is sponsored by WMCA but funded by WMFR + WMCH.
Winnipeg Edit-A-Thon - Winnipeg Public Library Completed Mkdw 355.90 355.90 410.76 2018-034 Host contribution workshops, education programs, outreach events and local activities

Atelier Wikipédia à l'Université de Moncton Cancelled GabrielArseno2 1,000.00 2018-033 Host contribution workshops, education programs, outreach events and local activities The event organizer found funding from the University of Moncton for this activity.

Atelier Wiki - Bibliothèque Gatien-Lapointe Completed Lëa-Kim Châteauneuf Benoit Rochon 144.94 NIL 144.94 2018-032 Host contribution workshops, education programs, outreach events and local activities

Wiki à l'UQAR, octobre 2018 Completed Gene.arboit Benoit Rochon 100.00 100.00 88.83 2018-031 Host contribution workshops, education programs, outreach events and local activities

T-Shirts Atikamekw Completed Benoit Rochon Thekidpossum 689.85 NIL 689.85 2018-030 Indigenous peoples on Wikimedia projects / Outreach to indigenous communities and development of Wikimedia projects in Aboriginal languages Approval by WMF

Révision de documents Completed Nathalie Casemajor Benoit Rochon 1,600.00 NIL 1,600.00 2018-029 Indigenous peoples on Wikimedia projects / Outreach to indigenous communities and development of Wikimedia projects in Aboriginal languages Approval by WMF

Équipement Tapis Rouge Completed Lea-Kim Benoit Rochon 868.51 NIL 868.51 2018-028 Photographic content / Equipment and space / Light kit

WikiFromage Completed Benoit Rochon Thekidpossum 250.00 250.00 250.00 2018-027 Photographic content / WikiCheese / Cheese

Livres sur les langues en danger et autochtones Completed Amqui Benoit Rochon 260.05 260.05 264.40 2018-026 Indigenous peoples on Wikimedia projects / Support volunteers to improve content / Provide access to references // Les peuples autochtones sur les projets Wikimedia / Soutenir les volontaires pour améliorer le contenu / Fournir un accès aux références

Wiki Loves Earth 2018 in Canada Completed Amqui Benoit Rochon 600.00 600.00 600.00 2018-025 Photographic content / National and local photographic events / Prizes // Contenu photographique / Événments photographiques nationaux et locaux / Prix

Transit, photo reflector, buisiness cards, office scanner Completed Benoit Rochon Amqui 413.30 NIL 413.30 2018-024 Specific events and thematics/Equipment and space/Light kit // Operating costs/General administration/Local transit

Nitaskinan en photos Completed Missatikamekw Amqui 600.00 600.00 600.00 2018-023 Indigenous peoples on Wikimedia projects / Free knowledge about Canadian indigenous peoples / Gift cards as prizes for local contests

Board retreat2 Completed Benoit Rochon Amqui 1,682.87 NIL 1,682.87 2018-022 Operating costs and overhead / In-person board meeting/retreat

Panel ACFAS Completed Seeris Amqui 494.16 NIL 494.16 2018-021 Content, outreach and communities / Content

Matériel multimédia pour le projet Atikamekw 3 Completed Missatikamekw Amqui 240.96 NIL 240.96 2018-020 WMF Rapid Grant

Journée internationale des archives Completed Benoit Rochon Ha-Loan Phan 1,097.95 1,097.95 1,093.67 2018-019 Content, outreach and communities / Content

Matériel multimédia pour le projet Atikamekw 2 Completed Missatikamekw Amqui 579.46 NIL 579.46 2018-018 WMF Rapid Grant

Excursion photo au Salon du livre de Québec + Québec BD Completed Lea-Kim Amqui 253.51 253.51 253.51 2018-017 Photographic content / Specific events and thematics

Atelier Toronto (Projet Franco-Ontarien) Cancelled Seeris Amqui 1,145.00 1,145.00 NIL 2018-016 Content, outreach and communities / Content Annulé (grève au Collège Glendon)

Matériel multimédia pour le projet Atikamekw Completed Missatikamekw Amqui 1,042.57 NIL 1,042.57 2018-015 WMF Rapid Grant

Nanaimo Wikipedia Edit-a-thon Completed Ranunculaa Amqui 575.00 NIL 575.00 2018-014 WMF Rapid Grant

In person meeting / Lac à l'épaule Completed Benoit Rochon Amqui 2,088.45 NIL 2,088.45 2018-013 Operating Costs and Overhead / In-person board meeting/retreat

Wiki à l'UQAR Completed Gene.arboit Benoit Rochon 100.00 100.00 43,83 2018-012 Content, outreach and communities / Content / Hospitality

Atelier au Festin de livres en Outaouais Completed Amqui Benoit Rochon 77.16 77.16 77.16 2018-011 Content, outreach and communities / Content / Travel and local transit

Rencontre initiale avec le Musée canadien de l'histoire Completed Amqui Benoit Rochon 18.48 NIL 18.48 2018-010 Content, outreach and communities / Outreach, partnerships and education / Travel and local transit

Bénévoles d'affaires Completed Benoit Rochon Amqui 125.00 NIL 125.00 2018-009 Operating Costs and Overhead / Bénévoles d'affaires

Atelier de contribution du Mois de la contribution francophone à Gatineau Completed Amqui Benoit Rochon 64.54 64.54 42.83 2018-008 Content, outreach and communities / Content / Hospitality // Content, outreach and communities / Content / Travel and local transit

Ordinateur portable pour présentations Completed Amqui Benoit Rochon 507.00 507.00 506.91 2018-007 Content, outreach and communities / Content / Equipment and space

Formation au Salon du livre de Trois-Rivières Completed Lea-Kim Amqui 144.43 144.43 165.13 2018-006 Content, outreach and communities / Outreach, partnerships and education / Travel and local transit

Conférence au Musée de la civilisation Completed Lea-Kim Amqui 328.42 NIL 261.25 2018-005 Content, outreach and communities / Outreach, partnerships and education / Travel and local transit

Lancement des Jeudis-Wiki à BAnQ Québec Completed Benoit Rochon Amqui 352.50 352.50 316.57 2018-004 Content, outreach and communities / Outreach, partnerships and education / Travel and local transit

Podcast sur Wikipédia Completed Letartean Amqui 278.28+tx 320.00 355.56 2018-003 Content, outreach and communitites / Content / Equipment and space

Numériseur Epson Perfection V39 Completed Benoit Rochon Amqui 110.00 110.00 93.35 2018-002 Content, outreach and communitites / Content / Equipment and space

Studio portatif Completed Benoit Rochon Amqui 75.88 NIL 75.88 2018-001 Photographic content / Specific events and thematics / Equipment and space